Friday 18 October 2019

Alejandro Saez-Blanco Most Wanted Man in Aspen

He is threatening and stalking his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend

Alejandro Saez-Blanco, 40 years old is a man from Argentina, who is continuously visiting Aspen for threatening his ex girlfriend’s and his new boyfriend. She already reported in the local court about all this and she is not feeling save, because  Alejandro Saez  is continuously sending threatening messages to her as well as her new boyfriend. According to the affidavit filed in the court, the woman is not felling safe as he is continuously threatened by Alejandro Saez-Blanco who is also making stalking attempts on her as well as on new boyfriend.

This Argentinean man had been stalking and extorting the woman and her boyfriend as well from approximately 6 month.

In fact, he was sending threatening messages both of them and once he visited his house as well. The 40-year-old was sending the voice mails and threat messages from Argentina. However, he had visited Aspen to stalk the woman’s new boyfriend. Alejandro Saez-Blanco, when arrested by police once, where he has admitted that he was continuously threatening them and sending messages to her new boyfriend and also he attempted to visit him once but the room was locked from outside but he warned him to come back soon .

He was advised by the police not to stalk women and her new boyfriend again.

Alejandro Saez-Blanco is demanding the amount of $50,000 into his account right away. He is also making continuously post on the social media as well that his new boyfriend is “pedophile”, as per the affidavit and other documents submitted in the court.

Alejandro Saez-Blanco was prohibited and strictly banned by the police from contacting the lady and her new boyfriend and also he was also not allowed to visit Aspen.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Alejandro Saez Blanco Has Gone Missing After Attempting Extortion, Stalking, and Harassment

Alejandro Saez Blanco was accused of attempting physical violence, stalking, harassment, trespassing, and extortion. Saez Blanco is a 40-year-old man from Argentina. He was arrested in March for committing extortion and stalking. The man was stalking his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend since February.

The incident began in February 2019, when Alejandro sent the threatening text messages to his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend. As per the affidavit filed in Pitkin County court, Alejandro was restricted to visit the lady and the boyfriend. In fact, he was not allowed to visit Aspen or maintain any contact with his ex and the new boyfriend of the lady by any means. Alejandro started to send messages following the incident when he paid a visit to the boyfriend’s place only to find the home bolted. When the boyfriend returned home two days after the incident, he discovered Alejandro Saez Blanco through his surveillance system.

Arrested for Trespassing, Extortion, and Stalking in March

The man was seen knocking on the door. On finding the apartment locked, he tried to look inside through the windows. According to the affidavit, the Argentinean man sent texts to the lady's new boyfriend the same night after this incident. Saez Blanco accepted all these deeds and the fact that he was sending threat messages to the boyfriend. The police warned him to not return to Aspen.

Alejandro was accused of trespassing, harassing, extorting, and attempting physical violence in March. His arrest warrant also featured a special restraining order according to which he was prohibited from trying to contact the lady and her new boyfriend.

In April, the man started to send the threat messages again to his boyfriend. This time the location of the sender was discovered in Argentina. His text messages threatened physical violence. He also sent voice mails, where he called him names and warned him that he is coming for the lady and her new boyfriend.

Final Words on Alejandro Saez Blanco

As per the affidavit filed in Pitkin County Court on Tuesday, Alejandro asked the boyfriend to deposit a sum of $50,000 in his account. He left a voicemail where he warned him of reporting the lady to the immigration authorities if he did not receive the money. This took place ten days after the previous voice mails. 

Furthermore, the Argentinean man posted pictures on his Facebook account calling the boyfriend a “Pedophile”. There is no information available on the current location of Alejandro Saez Blanco. He can be in Argentina or Spain.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Alejandro Saez-Blanco Wanted in Aspen for Attempting Stalking and Extortion

Alejandro Saez-Blanco, who is currently missing, is wanted in Aspen for stalking, sending threat messages, and extorting his ex-girlfriend as well as her new boyfriend. The 40-year-old is reportedly threatening his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend in Aspen.

According to the recent documents submitted to the court, the lady (ex-girlfriend of Saez-Blanco) has filed a complaint against his ex-boyfriend who kept on sending threats to the lady and her new boyfriend. The lady strongly believes that the man would get back in Aspen to get his revenge on the lady and her new boyfriend. Taking sudden actions, the court has passed an order according to which, Alejandro Saez-Blanco will be liable to pay a hefty felony fee if he comes back to Aspen. The fee will be charged for stalking and extortion case.

The Threat Messages and Continuous Stalking

This all began in the month of February when Saez-Blanco started stalking his ex’s new boyfriend. He even paid a visit to his home only to discover that it was locked. When this man got back home, he saw the CCTV footage where Saez-Blanco was seen tapping on his door and looking through the windows.

According to the affidavit, Saez-Blanco sent a text message to the lady’s boyfriend the same night. The message was a warning threat. Alejandro Saez-Blanco was caught by the police and warned for sending threat messages, stalking this man, and visiting his home again. Saez-Blanco got arrested for stalking, harassing, and engaging in physical violence in the month of March. The order clearly said that Blanco was not allowed to contact his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend either through text or any other means.

The affidavit says that this Argentinian man started sending the threat messages again to the new boyfriend of this lady. And this time, he was sending all these messages from Argentina. Even after complaints, arrests, and the strict orders of the court; Alejandro Saez-Blanco did not stop the harassment and threat warnings. The Argentinian man called the boyfriend by names and recorded audio that says "I'm coming for you". Ten days post this incident, Saez-Blanco recorded and send many voicemails warning the man that he would take the lady to the immigration authorities if the man refused to deposit $50,000 into his bank account.

The affidavit filed on Tuesday says that the man had also uploaded a message on his Facebook account (three days after the threats and extortion). In these messages, he had referred to the woman’s new boyfriend as a “Pedophile”.

Monday 26 August 2019

What Have Alejandro Saez-Blanco Done – Why Is He in Jail

A man from Argentina known as Alejandro Saez-Blanco supposedly burned through the greater part of February, March and Apr stalking, undermining and attempting to blackmail his ex and her new individual, reliable with court archives.

What did Alejandro Saez-Blanco do?

The ex-reportable to police that she was alarmed of Alejandro Saez-Blanco, 40, and accepts he may return to poplar and genuine savage vengeance on her new individual, archives state. In the event that he comes back to poplar, Saez-Blanco can confront law-breaking charges of blackmail and stalking, in like manner as fluctuated infringement charges, steady with partner degree authoritative report recorded in Pitkin County District Court.

The occurrences started in February once Alejandro Saez-Blanco started texting the woman's new individual, just as the very certainty that he had discovered the man's home quick once he visited, the reports state. 2 days right now, video police work at the man's home got Saez-Blanco sound on the man's outside entryway and peering into his window.

That night, Saez-Blanco messaged the new individual undermining physical viciousness, predictable with the authoritative report. He later conceded causing the texts and was advised by police to not return to the sweetheart's home.

In March, Saez-Blanco was going away for infringing, provocation and savagery. That capture encased a limiting request precluding him from reaching the girl or her new individual.

What occurs next with Alejandro Saez-Blanco?

In April, Alejandro Saez-Blanco afresh started causing the girl texts, this point from Argentina, predictable with the authoritative archive. He furthermore left a phone message for the individual line him names and language, "I'm returning for you," the authoritative report states.

Ten days when the phone message, Saez-Blanco left voice messages for the kindred language he was advancing to report the girl to movement experts if the individual didn't store $50,000 into Saez-Blanco's record, steady with a second authoritative archive documented Tuesday in Pitkin County District Court.

Three days right now, Saez-Blanco purportedly denotes a message on Facebook cautioning that the individual might be a "paedophile," the authoritative record states.

Saez-Blanco likely could be in Spain or in Argentina, steady with the affidavits.